THQ Inc. launched a multi-million dollar marketing campaign
to support the Jan. 12 release of the PlayStation wrestling title “WCW/NWO
THQ said it created a comprehensive promotion
schedule for the title, including national television and print advertising,
live event promotion and the Web. Spending specifics were not disclosed.
“Riding on the critical and commercial success of four wrestling titles, THQ
is delighted with the opportunity to partner with WCW in creating an extensive
PlayStation launch for ‘WCW/NWO Thunder,'” said Germaine Gioia, vice president
of marketing at THQ.
THQ’s “WCW/NWO Thunder,” the sequel to the successful “WCW Nitro,” is backed
by 15- and 30-second TV spots that will run from Jan. 8 through Feb. 17 on
FOX, MTV, ESPN, ESPN 2, TBS, TNT and Comedy Central.
The print advertising campaign began in December and will run through April in
gaming, wrestling and men’s magazines. Web exposure includes banners on major
gaming and wrestling sites. Broadcast e-mail blast will be sent to video game
owners alerting them of the title’s release.
THQ Inc. develops, publishes and distributes interactive entertainment
software for a variety of hardware platforms including PC CD-ROM, and those
manufactured by Nintendo and Sony.