Online movie store began a national television advertising campaign on Thanksgiving Day for the holiday season.
Commercials will be aired during prime time and late night hours on stations
in select markets. Spending and agency details were not disclosed.
The campaign entices customers to shop at the site with an offer of 25 percent off,
and the online store’s ability to match everyone on a consumer’s shopping list
with a movie they’ll enjoy. The company said it expects that the ads will help
build its brand and increase awareness of with the general consumer
audience. The advertisements have the same irreverent tone as the company’s
previous “Titanic” commercials.
Just last week the company launched its Holiday Store. carries more
than 100,000 VHS and 2,300 DVD titles for sale and also features proprietary
editorial content to help customers select movies. The staff of writers for
the site includes film school graduates, video store veterans and