A new survey of advertisers indicates that while 66 percent of respondents
are still spending more on traditional media, 19 percent currently have an
even mix and 6 percent are spending more in online marketing than on
traditional media.
Personal finance Web site Quicken.com informally surveyed companies
currently advertising online during its Partner Summits held in New York and
San Francisco earlier this month.
Companies in attendance represented several
industries, including financial services, telecommunications and e-commerce.
As advertising revenues continue to grow, the survey showed companies are
exploring more creative Web marketing tools. The majority of companies
surveyed (84 percent) have employed non-banner advertising, with three out of
five companies turning to e-mail.
Forty-one percent of respondents have employed rich media technology, while
others have used micro-sites and digital video as advertising vehicles.
“While banner ads are still largely used in online marketing, Internet trends
necessitate advertising that will engage consumers, said Jeff Cohen,
advertising director for Quicken.com.
Thirty-five percent of the companies surveyed reported that the association
of content with the advertiser is the main reason sponsorships have become so
popular. The ability to build brand awareness was the second most cited
reason for the popularity of sponsorships.
Two out of four companies felt that gaining new customers was the No. 1
benefit of sponsorships. Increasing revenue and the ability to leverage Web expertise
tied for second.