Santa Clara, CA-based USWeb/CKS acquired BI Business Information
and BI Interactive Marketing of Geneva, Switzerland.
BI Business Information is an IT services firm specializing in application
development, systems integration and user support. BI Interactive Marketing
specializes in marketing communications leveraging the Internet and
multimedia. Financial terms were not disclosed.
“With expertise in Internet and traditional IT services, as well as online and
multimedia marketing, the skill-sets of BI further round out the capabilities
of our Pan-European offices–providing us with a local presence to serve the
Swiss and Eastern European markets,” said Toby Corey, president and chief operating officer for USWeb/CKS.
BI Business Information has expertise in the banking and financial,
manufacturing and services sectors. BI Interactive Marketing complements BI
Business Information with creative and graphic skills, as well as marketing
and communications strategy expertise.
BI clients include: United European Bank, Morgan Stanley, Capital
International, Royal Bank of Canada, Credit Commercial de France, Merrill
Lynch Bank, Hewlett Packard, Philip Morris, Nestle, Bobst, Andre & Cie, Orange
Telecommunication, and Hopitaux Universitaires Genevois.