Women’s Connection
Online, a Web-based community for professional women and women business
owners, said it has joined DoubleClick’s ad network.
DoubleClick will help
deliver relevant, targeted advertising to Women’s Connection Online’s
community and to secure suitable corporate sponsors and advertisers for the
site’s new “Info Centers.”
Nineteen Info Centers have been incorporated into a redesign of the site.
They cover business, career, personal finance, and other areas of interest
to women. The new Info Centers will each feature an anchor corporate tenant, a
publication anchor tenant, and a women’s organization tenant offering
complementary information and interactive tools.
Each Info Center will also have interactive chat, bulletin boards and
products and services focused on the needs of women business owners and
professionals. The first Info Centers, the Business Center, Career Center,
and Personal Finance Center, will debut later this month.
Said Susan Williams DeFife, president and CEO of Women’s Connection Online:
“Membership in the DoubleClick network recognizes the tremendous power of our
community of business women as a consumer base.”
New York-based DoubleClick’s technology will deliver targeted ads to the
Women’s Connection Online community and DoubleClick will not know the name,
e-mail address, phone number, or home address of anybody who visits the site.
The limited, non-individual specific information collected by DoubleClick
will be used only in the context of ad selection, Women’s Connection said.
Community members will be provided with a simple procedure to opt out if
they do not want the frequency of their ad exposure controlled.
Traffic to the Women’s Connection Online site increased 1,500% since May,
1997, primarily by word-of-mouth referrals, and grows by as much as 40% per
week, the McLean, VA-based company claims.