Google Defends Work With Verizon on Net Neutrality

Google’s joint proposal with Verizon had many net neutrality advocates hopping mad, seeing a clear betrayal of its pledges to fight for an Internet free of discriminatory traffic. Now that Google seems to be in cahoots with Verizon — a lead voice in the cable and telecom industry’s argument against net neutrality legislation and FCC enforcement — it’s facing all manner of criticism from its earlier allies.

But Google says it was motivated to join Verizon in crafting proposed net neutrality legislation “in the spirit of compromise,” and is moving to shed a little light on its thinking. Enterprise Networking Planet takes a look at Google’s reasoning behind its groundbreaking proposal with Verizon, and its rebuttal to its critics.

The past week has been replete with criticism and commentary surrounding Google’s proposal of a compromise policy framework with Verizon Communications to settle the matter of network management and enact binding, if watered-down, net neutrality rules.

Now, facing down all manner of accusations from progressive policy advocates who feel like Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) has sold out the net neutrality cause, Google’s telecom counsel, Rick Whitt, penned a lengthy “fact sheet” looking to set the record straight about just how much Google gave away by teaming with Verizon.

Read the full story at Enterprise Networking Planet:

Google Rebuts Charges of Net Neutrality Sellout

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