Industry leaders, together with the Massachusetts Software & Internet Council, plan a workshop on the Platform for Privacy
Preferences (P3P), at IBM Corp.’s Waltham, Mass. campus on March 11.
The workshop will focus on P3P and its impact on Web sites and online privacy, with details on how P3P works, where it fits in the
broader policy debate over online privacy, and techniques for implementing P3P. It will feature an expert panel discussion on the
policy implications of P3P and what both commercial and non-profit Web sites need to do to become P3P-compliant.
The panel will include Daniel Weitnzer of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Martin Pressler-Marshall of IBM and an author of P3P,
Marc Berejka of Microsoft, Brendan Howard of Terra Lycos and Steve Lucas of the Privacy Council.
P3P, intended to build trust between Web users and Web sites, creates transparency in the information collection and use process.
The event is the third in a series on national workshops on P3P and is free and open to all who register online or by e-mail. It will be held
at IBM’s Waltham campus at 404 Wyman Street, Conference Room 5A. Directions are available here.