Ever wanted to use Twitter to make a phone call? The clever folks over at click-to-call VoIP provider Zyngaya have, and now they’re making it a reality.
The firm is offering a new service for the popular microblogging site called zin.to, which will enable users to initiate a VoIP call by tweeting a message with a shortened URL that opens an Adobe Flash interface.
As for a revenue model for the new VoIP-enabled Twitter service, Zyngaya has its sights set on the enterprise market. VoIP Planet has the story.
Whoever said that Twitter had to be a text-only service?
The microblogging site is being enabled with new VoIP capabilities thanks to the zin.to service from click-to-call VoIP firm Zingaya.
The way zin.to works is it enables users to tweet a message, which includes a short url link that, when clicked, triggers the VoIP call via an Adobe Flash interface. Currently the service is limited to the U.S. providing any Twitter user with the ability to call U.S. based numbers or Skype members.