Networking vendor F5 updated it hardware portfolio of Application Delivery Controllers (ADCs) last week.
In addition to the new hardware, F5 is debuting its BIG-IP Advanced Firewall Manager solution. The new Firewall is an evolution of technology that F5 first started talking about a year ago.
Brian Lazear, Sr. Director of Product Management for Security at F5 told EnterpriseNetworkingPlanetthat his company has invested in research and development to bring the new firewall to market.
“When we first announced this it was a framework discussion,” Lazear said. “Over the last year we created a purpose built product and it has its own dedicated interface for customers to configure rule sets and profiles.”
Lazear added that the Advanced Firewall Manager also provides dedicated logging capabilities as well. The Firewall Manager is a software product and can be enabled to run on the modern set of BIG-IP and VIPRION ADCs.
Read the full story at EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet:
F5 Secures Network ADC Market with New Hardware and Firewall
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network, the network for technology professionals Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.