IPv6 Traffic Growing at Google, Facebook

In terms of IPv6 traffic, that also is now beginning to grow, though it’s still currently standing at approximately 1 percent of all Internet traffic. According to Google Engineer Erik Kline, there has been a rapid growth of IPv6 at Goggle. For Google, IPv6 traffic has grown by 150 percent in the last year.

“At this rate, approximately 50 percent of users will have IPv6 in six years,” Kline said.

Comcast’s John Brzozowski, Distinguished Engineer and Chief Architect for IPv6 said that on his network there was a 3.75 percent increase in IPv6 traffic compared to World IPv6 Day in 2011.

Facebook also participated in the World IPv6 Launch. Donn Lee, network engineer at Facebook said his site has seen over 27 million active Facebook users that have IPv6.

“That’s a number that is three to five times what it was on World IPv6 Day, twelve months ago,” Lee said.

For Content Delivery Network Akamai, the IPv6 traffic growth has been even great.

“The amount of traffic we have over IPv6 is a function of how many customers we have that have content available over IPv6 as well as how many end-users there are,”Eric Nygren, Chief Systems Architect at Akamai said. “We’ve seen both of those go up such that the amount of traffic, we’re serving over IPv6 this year is over 100 times as much as we were serving during World IPv6 Day last year.”

Read the full story at EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet:
IPv6 Launch Day. How Many People Use IPv6?

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network, the network for technology professionals Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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