[VIDEO] F5 CTO Karl Triebes

F5 CTO Karl TriebesIn an exclusive video interview with InternetNews.com, F5 CTO Karl Triebes details why he joined F5 in the first place and what drives him and his product direction today.

The trend that drove Triebes to F5 back in 2004 was the realization that applications need network awareness and services to meet user needs. Over the last nine years, much of the industry has also shifted towards a focus on managing apps and users.

Overall, after nearly nine years at F5, Triebes biggest challenge is prioritization.

“There are so many interesting things we can go off to do, and I love that, and it’s one of the reasons why I’m still on the job,” Triebes said. “There are so many opportunities, the challenge is picking and choosing and then applying the resources, making sure we don’t get diluted.”

Watch the full video interview below:

Read the full story at Enterprise Networking Planet:
F5 CTO: ADC is more than a Load Balancer [VIDEO]

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com. Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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