Apple first introduced two-step verification, in which users get the second password by way of an SMS sent to their smartphone, in March 2013. However, while the company’s two-step verification has been available for nearly two years, it has not been implemented evenly across all of Apple’s products and applications. In September 2014, Apple added two-factor verification support to its iCloud service after a high-profile series of Hollywood celebrities were hacked.
Apple’s support Web page for two-step verification identifies where the service works. It can be used to make App Store purchases on new devices, as well as for logging into the My Apple ID site and iCloud, iMessage and FaceTime services.
The addition of iMessage and FaceTime is seen as a positive move forward by security experts contacted by eWEEK.
Read the full story at eWEEK:
Apple Extends Two-Step Verification to iMessage, FaceTime
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.