Black Hat: And the Pwnie for Epic 0wnage Goes To….

The Pwnie Awards is a set of awards that are given out in different categories symbolizing the triumphs of security researchers and the failures of security product vendors or corporate IT security organizations. The actual award is the My Little Pony figure for children.

This year, two categories were most interesting to me personally. The first is the Pwnie for Epic 0wnage.

The official Pwnie Awards site describes the category as the “0wnage, measured in owws, can be delivered in mass quantities to a single organization or distributed across the wider Internet population. The Epic 0wnage award goes to the hackers responsible for delivering the most damaging, widely publicized, or hilarious 0wnage.”

This year it’s an award that went to none other than man-on-the-run Edward Snowden.

Read the full story at eWeek Security Watch:
NSA Leaker Snowden Wins Black Hat Pwnie for ‘Epic 0wnage’

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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