From the “No joke, and no punchline” files:
It’s April 1st, the day that Conficker.c is supposed to do… something. So far though, the worm hasn’t caused massive havoc, but then again, I don’t think that was ever the plan.
Early reports so far show little activity, though the day is still young and the scope of infections (maybe as many as 10 million) means that the true impact may not be known inside today.
“McAfee Avert Labs has been closely monitoring Conficker-related threats and, we haven’t observed any significant activities on the domains that it is polling for thus far,” McAfee security researcher Shinsuke Honjo blogged.
Another McAfee researcher — Ravi Balupari — posted details about what he saw in a controlled lab situation. The bottom line is that Conficker.c is real and it will try and contact/poll domains for instructions today.
So what does it all mean?