Dropbox Cloud Storage Platform Hacked? Not So Fast

Is cloud-based storage from Dropbox a secure option for enterprises? And what should enterprises be thinking about in order to securely store data in the cloud anyway?

Dropbox is a widely used cloud-based storage platform that is now the target of security researcher scrutiny, as user data privacy is being called into question. A pair of researchers at the USENIX security conference in August released a white paper in which they describe methods for attacking Dropbox and obtaining user data. While the merit of the actual research is debatable, it raises questions about what enterprises should be doing to protect the integrity and security of data in the cloud.

Read the full story at eWeek:
Dropbox Cloud Storage Platform Hacked? Not So Fast

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com. Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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