Visa International, CommerceNet and Baseline Software plan a half-day seminar covering more than 200 specific control measures that can protect Internet merchant systems.
Taking an auditor’s perspective, the seminar Sept. 17 at Visa corporate headquarters in Foster City, CA will deal with the ways in which Internet commerce has changed both business and technical risks. Also covered will be the specific ways that organizations can determine the security and privacy mechanisms that they need in order to conduct Internet commerce in keeping with the standard of due
“People don’t realize how many powerful mechanisms can be deployed to conduct Internet commerce. Not only can merchants conduct business securely, but these activities can be more private and more secure than could ever been achieved in the paper world,” said Baseline’s Charles Cresson Wood, CISA, CISSP, independent information security consultant and author of the Best Practices in Internet Commerce Security white paper to be published by CommerceNet and Baseline Software later this month.
The seminar is based on the research report that examined the controls employed by merchants, hosting firms, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), third party security service providers (such as Certificate Authorities), and Internet payment systems.
Attendees will receive a complimentary copy of the research report. To register call 800-627-9420 (U.S. and Canada); or 317-579-0436 (other countries).