Seattle-based iCat Corp., a provider of e-commerce products, launched an affiliate program for its new iCat Commerce Online (iCO).
The program allows ISPs, Web developers, Web site operators, business
organizations, and others to help businesses launch online stores, and earn
affiliate fees in the process.
The company said the service is designed to “remove the barriers which have been preventing most small and medium-sized businesses from selling on the Internet, by providing the information, technology, and services necessary to create and manage Web stores with no expertise and little or no investment.”
“Our program allows a wide range of businesses and organizations to provide their customers with one of the most sought-after services today, a complete e-commerce solution, without developing or managing the solution themselves,” said Craig Danuloff, iCat president and CEO.
“It’s a win-win-win relationship where business owners get a new store on the Internet, affiliates earn a percentage of revenues and build deeper customer relationships, and iCat Commerce Online gains new merchants very rapidly.”
iCat said it has already signed more than 50 affiliate agreements in a broad
range of market sectors, including media, financial services, transportation, trade associations, Web marketing and development services, online communities and directories, plus software and hardware providers.
Each participating partner is asked to drive customers to a customized sign-up page on the iCat Commerce Online Web site using Web links, banner advertising, and traditional marketing. Each customer is tracked and affiliates are paid based on the revenue iCat generates. Affiliates can earn up to 20% commission for referrals.
Any individual or business can create a Web store with 10 items or less
without charge. Larger stores are priced on a monthly basis, based on the
number of items, starting at $49.95 for up to 50 items. Every store receives a 30-day free trial.