Pixelpark USA and The Museum of Modern Art in New York City
launched the MoMA Online
Store, with software assistance from Intershop and Live Picture.
The store offers the convenience of online ordering coupled with unique value-
added options, such as extensive designer and product information, three-
dimensional and zoomable images, and a shopping tour that shows highlights of
products and services.
Customers may register with the site which allows for faster checkout. Also
provided is a reminder service for birthdays, anniversaries, and other
special occasions;
a bridal registry; and a subscription of up to seven newsletters, each
covering a different topic
such as product news, the MoMA Web site, group tours, and events and
programs at the museum. MoMA members receive a 10 percent discount.
Pixelpark’s software solutions for the site include the Merchant Edition of
Intershop 3, which allows the museum to employ tools such as a virtual
shopping tour and offers a simple procedure for staff to update the
items and prices posted on the site. The back-end is integrated with MoMA’s
existing business systems, which reside on an IBM AS400 mainframe. Spending
for the store was not disclosed.
Using Zoom images and 3D object movies from Live Picture, the MoMA Online
Store offers shoppers a fast and easy way to view and examine the store’s
entire online inventory. With zoomable product photos delivered by the Live
Picture Image Server, the site allows users to click and zoom into 260 images
of sale items. Shoppers can also rotate and interact with 3D object movies
of 20 additional items
to see them from every angle, and view how multiple-piece items fit