Online Merchants Need to Improve Customer Service

A study of online holiday shopping habits shows while electronic commerce is steady growing, merchants have some work to do.

According to, shoppers who purchased gifts online bought an average of six gifts this
season, with an average purchase price of $134 per gift.

Thirteen percent of these holiday shoppers spent over $100 on a typical
holiday gift purchase, while 4 percent spent over $500
on a typical gift item purchased on the Internet. Forty-one percent
purchased gifts in the $26 to $200 price range, with 33 percent
spending in the $10 to $25 price range.

But not everyone was a satisfied customer. According to the survey, almost a third of online shoppers stated that there were one or more online stores that they refused to shop with again, with 19 percent saying that two or more online retailers had earned their disapproval.

Also, shoppers aged 18 to 24 were particularly critical of their online
merchants, with 46 percent saying that they would be reluctant to shop at
one or more e-tailers again. Men were more critical of their online
shopping experience than women — 35 percent of male shoppers could name
one or more Internet retailers that they were reluctant to shop with again,
as compared to just 28 percent of women shoppers.

Sometimes, there is no substitute for a salesperson’s opinion. Twenty-nine
percent of Internet shoppers said they wanted to ask their online merchant
a question — but the online retailer provided no way to do that. That
non-responsiveness cost online merchants: 22 percent of online shoppers
intending to make a purchase from an Internet retailer decided not to after
receiving no response or an untimely response to a question posed of the
online merchant.

“Industry estimates say that online retailers may lose as much as $2
billion this holiday season because they failed to provide
adequate online customer service,” said President David Nash.

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