Expands Car Service Inc. Friday expanded their “name-your-price” car shopping
to 48 states.

Priceline’s (PCLN) auto service works like the grocery and airline ticket’s service:
customers choose the car and options the price they want to pay and
Priceline Auto Services will notify them in one business day whether a local
dealership accepted your offer.

When a client offers a price, they will select local counties where they
want to pick up their new car. Priceline Auto Services circulates offers to
dealerships in selected counties. Dealers can either accept offers on the
spot or respond with counter-offers for your
review.’s auto service first launched last year in New York and Florida, with
subsequent roll-outs in California, Florida, Connecticut,
New Jersey and the greater Philadelphia area.

In addition to new car services, features name-your-price
airline tickets, hotel accommodations and home financing services.

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