Staples Licenses NetResults ProShop for B-to-B E-Commerce


licensed its ProShop software for business-to-business e-commerce applications
to Staples Inc., national retailer of
office supplies.

Staples will use ProShop to create and
operate individual stores for its corporate customers to purchase Staples
products via the Web. Financial arrangements were not disclosed.

Each store will be tailored to the unique requirements of the corporate
customer using the store. Pre-negotiated product prices, product availability,
shipping addresses and billing addresses are all automatically set up for the
customer before they ever browse through the store.

“The use of ProShop will save Staples money by automating and streamlining
their order processing, and reducing error,” said Ed Lingo, vice president
of engineering at
NetResults Corp. “The system is also expected to
increase sales by making it easier for corporate customers to purchase
directly from Staples. For Staples’ corporate customers, the system provides
more up-to-date product information, is easily accessible, and simplifies
their ordering process.

“Now that the system is in place, a new store, complete with over 30,000
items and customized for a
particular corporate customer, can be automatically generated quickly and
easily,” said Chris Long, director of e-commerce at Staples.

Staples also used NetResults Professional Services to customize ProShop for
the particular requirements of its market and to help integrate the product
with legacy product information, customer information and back-end
order/transaction processing systems.

Use of ProShop does not require knowledge of HTML to create the stores, which
come with support for navigation, shopping carts, searching, order processing
and secure payment.

Currently, ProShop supports Microsoft Access and SQL Server databases; in an
upcoming release, ProShop will work with databases from Oracle, Sybase and

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