Washington Water
Power in Spokane signed with
CheckFree for Internet-based electronic
bill presentment and payment for its 350,000 residential electric and natural
gas customers.
By using CheckFree’s E-Bill service, the company said customers will be
able to receive full-
color Washington Water Power bills at no charge–complete with graphics,
logos and full billing detail–through the Web, furthering Washington Water
Power’s move into the Internet and telecommunications arenas. Financial terms
of the deal were not disclosed.
Once they enroll, customers can
and pay their Washington Water Power bills with the touch of a button.
Washington Water Power, whose primary service area covers eastern Washington,
north Idaho, and central Oregon, plans to rollout CheckFree E-Bill in mid-
“The commitment Washington Water Power has to its customers and community has
always been impressive,” said Peter J. Kight, chairman and CEO of
CheckFree. “They continue to lead by example as they offer bill payment
options that are complete, non-paper, electronic round-trips for
customers that use the CheckFree E-Bill.”
Other companies that are currently contracted with CheckFree to offer
electronic bill presentment and payment include statement processors
International Billing Services (IBS), AT&T, Chase Manhattan Bank, HomeSide
Lending, the Small Business Administration, and Intuit’s Quicken.com.
CheckFree introduced CheckFree E-Bill for electronic bill presentment and
payment in March 1997, after completing a successful two-year pilot program.