From the ‘Contain This’ files:
There is no single technology hotter today than Docker containers. Today the open-source Docker project released version 1.9.0 of Docker engine, providing an important milestone update.
For me the biggest single item is the promotion of Docker Networking to stable from being just a technology preview. The libnetwork component in Docker first showed up in the 1.7 release cycle in June. Docker 1.8 which was released in August introduced Content Trust as its big marquee feature.
The full list of new networking features in Docker 1.9.0 includes:
docker network exits experimental and is part of standard release (#16645)
New network top-level concept, with associated subcommands and API (#16645)
Support for multiple isolated/micro-segmented networks (#16645)
Built-in multihost networking using VXLAN based overlay driver (#14071)
Support for third-party network plugins (#13424)
Ability to dynamically connect containers to multiple networks (#16645)
Support for user-defined IP address management via pluggable IPAM drivers (#16910)
Add daemon flags –cluster-store and –cluster-advertise for built-in nodes discovery (#16229)
Add –cluster-store-opt for setting up TLS settings (#16644)
Add –dns-opt to the daemon (#16031)
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist