Microsoft’s new operating system may be barely out of the gate, but a blogger snooping around in the Windows registry found some clues that the software giant may be soon testing the first service pack. Historically, the first SP opens the floodgates to corporate adoption of Microsoft’s new releases, but this time might be different. eSecurity Planet has the story.
Windows 7 just shipped in late October, although it was “released to manufacturing” back in July — so is it too soon to be thinking about the first service pack (SP) for the new system?
One blogger said he believes he’s found clues that he surmises may portend the beginning of testing for Windows 7 SP1 by Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) sometime soon. The key is in the Windows registry.
What he found in poking around the registry were several special entries in Windows 7’s registry that are apparently there to allow a service pack to run.
“Similar to previous external beta service pack rollouts, Microsoft has enabled — via updates you already installed — a beta ‘candidacy check’ within its Windows Update software,” said a post over the weekend by Raphael Rivera on his Within Windows blog.