There was a time when SourceForge was the defacto default standard open-source code repository. That time is not now – as Github and mis-steps at SourceForge have eroded both the mind and market share that SourceForge once had.
Now SourceForge is taking its first step to rebuilding credibility with its developer and user community by terminating one of its biggest mistakes – DevShare.
“The DevShare program delivered installer bundles as part of the download for participating projects,” Logan Abbot, President of SourceForge Media wrote in a statement. “We want to restore our reputation as a trusted home for open source software, and this was a clear first step towards that. We’re more interested in doing the right thing than making extra short-term profit.”
This is a good move and one that is long overdue. It’s also part of a new direction for SourceForge as the company was acquired by BIZX in January.
The decline of SourceForge didn’t happen overnight and DevShare alone didn’t erode developer and mind share. As such it will take time and multiple steps for SourceForge to rebuild.
Github, for all of its benefits is not entirely perfect either and as it makes mistakes, it will be encumbent on SourceForge to capitlize, if it ever wants to once again be the open-source code repository of record.
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist