Cisco Systems, Inc. today announced that the Cisco ONS 15540 Extended Services Platform and the Cisco SN 5420 Storage Router have completed interoperability tests in a number of storage and storage management environments. Several vendors — Brocade, Intel, McData, and VERITAS — have qualified the Cisco storage networking solutions as fully interoperable with their respective solutions.
The Cisco ONS 15540 is Cisco’s high-end metro dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) platform. It is the enabling technology in the “Storage over Metro Optical” solution area of the Cisco Storage Networking Initiative. The Cisco SN 5420 Storage Router is a networking platform based on the iSCSI (Internet Small Computer Systems Interface) protocol. It is the enabling technology in Cisco’s “IP Access to Storage” solution area.
Including the qualifications announced today, the Cisco ONS 15540 and the Cisco SN 5420 Storage Router are now qualified as fully interoperable with nine storage and storage management vendors> Cisco expects more qualifications expected soon.