Crossroads Router Compatible with QLogic Switches and HBAs

Crossroads Systems Inc. , a provider of connectivity for storage networking solutions, announced today that the Crossroads 8000 is fully interoperable with the QLogic SANbox2 Fibre Channel switch and SANblade QLA2300 Series 2Gb Fibre Channel host bus adapters (HBAs).

In addition to interoperating with QLogic’s 2Gb infrastructure products, Crossroads also said the Crossrads 8000 also tested flawlessly with the QLogic SANblade QLA2100 Series and QLA2200 Series HBAs as well as the SANbox 16 port switch.

“QLogic and Crossroads are committed to providing customers with complete and interoperable SAN solutions,” said Rich Lautzenheiser, vice president of marketing, Crossroads Systems. “Proven compatibility with QLogic’s end-to-end 2Gb infrastructure ensures our OEM customers that storage solutions developed using the Crossroads 8000 will work seamlessly to provide a faster time to market and lower product development costs.”

“The Crossroads 8000 storage router was tested intensively and flawlessly demonstrated compatibility with our products,” said Joseph Kimpler, director of business alliances, QLogic Corporation. “With its built-in Crossroads Visual Manager(tm) management software, the 8000 storage router provided easy installation, configuration and intuitive manageability.”

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