Exabyte Corporation and Raidtec Corporation, a NAS and SAN storage networking vendor, today announced the compatibility of Raidtec’s SNAZ R6 and RAIDserver with Exabyte Corporation’s M2 and VXA-1 tape drives.
Exabyte said the M2 tape drive allows Raidtec users to store and retrieve large amounts of data quickly by delivering a 30 MB per second compressed transfer rate, and a capacity of up to 150 GB (60 GB native), while the value VXA tape drive offers Raidtec users one costs less than $11 per gigabyte for a 66 GB drive.
“With this joint compatibility certification, Raidtec is one of our first partners to benefit from our new efficiencies in sales, marketing and support achieved through the Exabyte merger with Ecrix,” stated Exabyte President and CEO Bill Marriner. “The performance, reliability and value of Exabyte’s drives are a perfect match for Raidtec’s NAS appliances. The combination of Raidtec’s NAS functionality with our tape storage capabilities also allows users to increase storage over their networks while reducing the impact to servers during the backup process.”
Raidtec’s SNAZ R6 is a Network Attached Storage (NAS) server appliance that serves up to 430 GB of local hot swap RAID-protected storage. Raidtec’s RAIDserver is a high performance direct NAS file server appliance.