Gadzoox Networks, a global supplier of intelligent Storage Area Network (SAN) products, today announced that Slingshot 4218 will be available to the open market on July 31, 2001. The company also announced that it has shipped over 200 2Gb switches worldwide.
“Since the introduction of Slingshot in April, we have had tremendous interest in our 2Gb fabric switch. We believe that Gadzoox Networks has shipped more 2Gb open fabric switches than any other vendor in the industry,” said Clark Foy, vice president, marketing, Gadzoox Networks. “In addition, we have participated in ten public switch-to-switch FC-SW-2 interoperability demonstrations with Slingshot. With extensive customer, partner, and demonstration experience with Slingshot, we are leading the charge to standards-based 2Gb SAN switching with a mature, widely supported fabric switch. In order for any SAN product to be successful in the open market, it must first be certified by other industry players and qualified by major channel vendors.”
The Slingshot family of switches is currently being evaluated or certified by over 30 potential customers and partners, including Agilent, BMC Software, Chaparral, Computer Associates, Dell, Emulex, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, JNI Corporation, LSI Logic Storage Systems, Rorke Data, StorageTek, and XIOTech.