Precise Software Solutions of its Storage Resource Management (SRM) Policy Development Program, which the company said is designed to provide companies with the resources needed to maximize the effectiveness of a customized policy-based SRM implementation in the fastest possible time frame.
“As the heart of the corporate enterprise, data storage is one of the costliest components of the entire IT infrastructure,” said Nancy Marone, senior storage analyst with Enterprise Storage Group. “At the same time, it’s one of the most underutilized and abused. Precise’s SRM Policy Development Program will help companies get a handle on how their data storage resources are used, leading to reduced TCO and improved fulfillment of service level agreements.”
According to Precise components of the new program include preparing, designing, and implementing a corporate SRM policy. It includes an on-site storage usage analysis; a storage usage policy tailored to the company’s needs; training on best-practices SRM usage; a customized storage policy roll-out plan; an ROI analysis of the company’s SRM program; and 50 licenses of Precise/StorageCentral SRM and Precise/SiteStor SRM software.