Solid Systems Inc., Houston’s provider of data center services, today announced it has signed GrandBasin to its data center in Houston. GrandBasin(TM), service provider for application and data hosting and services in the upstream industry, selected Solid Systems to provide managed hosting services for its IT systems, and for those of many of its clients.
“GrandBasin’s selection of Solid Systems is a strong validation of our managed hosting services, our data center and our team of technical experts,” said John Hager, CEO of Solid Systems. “Our facilities and product offerings are designed to exceed the mission-critical requirements of companies, like GrandBasin, that provide vital solutions to the energy industry. We are excited to have them as a customer and look forward to meeting their growing demands.”
GrandBasin, headquartered in Houston, offers real-time access to Web-based applications, hosting services and the PetroBank(TM) family of comprehensive data management technologies as well as integration services.