TrelliSoft Opens UK Affiliate

TrelliSoft, Inc., a provider of storage resource management (SRM) software, today announced the opening of TrelliSoft U.K. Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary. TrelliSoft U.K. Limited will headquarter TrelliSoft’s operations for U.K. and Europe.

According to TrelliSoft, TelliSoft U.K. Limited, which is based in Manchester, will provide a local sales, support, and services presence for the US-based SRM solution provider. In addition to providing a control center for direct sales and support organizations, TrelliSoft U.K. Limited is set to head TrelliSoft’s Channels Sales operations for the UK and Europe.

“We are thrilled to have a direct presence in Europe with the opening of TrelliSoft U.K. Limited,” stated Steve Donovan, president and CEO of TrelliSoft. “U.K. and the greater European community is a key focus for TrelliSoft in 2002. By opening TrelliSoft U.K. Limited, we will offer local sales and support to customers and channel partners. TrelliSoft U.K. will accelerate our efforts to gain customers in 2002.”

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