In a move that is revealing to the industry a renewed target, Intraware, Inc. last week joined forces with ASP USinternetworking, Inc. and announced that USi will deploy Intraware Deployment using the USi Internet Managed Application Platform Siebel solution.
This means that USinternetworking, Inc. will use Intraware, Inc.
for its Siebel service due to the fact that USi needs some way of maintaining client software.
Siebel is still very client-server and has a PC installation at the client end rather than a Web-based interface. This opens the space to the possibility that USI could run into lots of remote desktop management problems. In comes Intraware, IT e-marketplace for Web-based software and services, to help solve this problem.
According to Jeff Clarke, director of business development, Intraware, this announcement gives USi a true turn-key approach to leverage the Internet in the deployment and management of the application.
“It extends the management of the application all the way to the desk top,” Clarke said.
Additionally, Intraware claims that deployment time will be cut dramatically, going down from weeks to hours, and there will be a price cut for both USi and its clients.
According to Alistair Johnston-Clague, president and general manager, USI CRM business unit, the company continues to seek and evaluate opportunities that will enhance its offerings with the goal of better serving its customers.
“Having Intraware Deployment as a component of our software infrastructure gives us the scalability needed as our subscriber list continues to grow,” Johnston-Clague said.
It is becoming quite obvious that in order for an ASP to become truly profitable, the players in that space must take advantage of partnerships and alliances.
“We talked to quite a few ASPs prior to this announcement,” Clarke said. “USi will be one of the first to implement this type of solution.” According to Clarke, Intraware and USi first began talks regarding this issue in November 1999.