47 articles written

Brian Horowitz


E Ink in Esquire: Magazine tech for the future

Chalk one up for print in the (/webcontent/article.php/3748086/Media+Pros+Dont+Fear+the+Digital+Realm.htm) in...

On Distributing Online Video

NEW YORK -- The word from the panelists at...

What’s the Latest on Wireless and Your Health?

As we mark the 25th anniversary of the first...


What’s the Latest on Wireless and Your Health?

As we mark the 25th anniversary of the first cell phone call in 1983, the handsets, along with technologies such as Wi-Fi, are as ubiquitous as ever for IT workers and consumers. But are...

Open source museum in Second Life?

(http://www.thetech.org), in San Jose, California, has announced the winners of its UCanTu virtual exhibit competition -- but are they real or virtual? The museum says the exhibits benefit humanity and will be displayed in...

The flick of a touch pad

In June, I (http://blog.internetnews.com/bhorowitz/2008/06/synaptics-touch-pad-tech-gains.html)about new touch pad "gestures" such as momentum from Synaptics. The company recently rolled out these upgrades in touch pads, which are coming from various laptop manufacturers. One new gesture is...

Making Sense of Online Backup Options

When you're a small business and you can't afford to lose those accounting statements, graphic design illustrations or medical records, keeping all your files in one location isn't the best option. Storage industry insiders...

The storage cloud goes Cucku

NEW YORK -- Last night at the(http://www.pepcom.com/pephome/pephome.html) Holiday Spectacular I learned about a new way to store your data in the cloud. A startup company called (http://www.cucku.com) (seriously!) is pushing what it calls social...

Texting and tragedy

Apparently a crash in Los Angeles last week between a commuter train and a freight train was preceded by the engineer exchanging text messages. According to (http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/09/15/train.collision/?iref=mpstoryview), cell phone records are being examined to...

Google’s Picasa puts a name to the face

Two years ago, *InternetNews.com* (/bus-news/article.php/3627011) that Google's acquisition of biometric technology company Neven Vision could lead to innovation in face-recognition technology for its (http://picasa.google.com) photo-sharing site. Today the search giant finally unveiled this functionality...

Intel shells out the bucks for big ideas

In his keynote speech at the (http://www.intel.com/IDF)(IDF) on Tuesday, Intel Chairman (/bus-news/article.php/3766386/Intels+Barrett+Slams+US+Tech+Policy.htm) a contest to award four $100,000 checks for innovation. The competition focuses on four areas: education, health care, economic development and environment....

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