19 articles written

Catherine Pickavet


Balancing The Business of MySpace

Reporter's Notebook It's not hard to picture a typical...

Election Results Tossed in E-Voting Case

Electronic voting has promised security, accuracy, expediency and fairness...

Uspot For The College Set

Make way for a new spot in the crowded...


VeriSign to Restate $250M Following Options Probe

Internet security company VeriSign will be forced to restate as much as $250 million in earnings during 2001 to 2005 and part of 2006 due to what it termed "incorrect measurement dates" and...

My Time is My Time…Right?

Reporter's Notebook: Time shifting? I had no idea I was playing along with the TV-viewing concept until last Wednesday. It was the big premiere night. A colleague of mine and I had been eagerly awaiting...

The Modes of Style

Reporter's Notebook: Where would our individuality be without style? It expresses who we are via music, literature, dance, and other aspects of life. This is good. But there are times when style is just...

Spammers Settle With FTC

Two more large-scale spammers have settled charges with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that they sent commercial e-mails in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act. According to the FTC, the Matthew Olson and Jennifer LeRoy sent millions...

Uspot For The College Set

Make way for a new spot in the crowded social-networking space. Park City, Utah-based Uspot opened its doors today, claiming to be the social-networking sweet spot for college students using a .edu e-mail address. Todd Cohen, president...

Balancing The Business of MySpace

Reporter's Notebook It's not hard to picture a typical teenager in the Internet era: home from school, heading straight for the bedroom, door slammed tight and off to another world, online. Once there, she...

Google Resellers Target Chinese SMBs

Like many of its competitors, Google's compass seems to be pointed directly at Asia these days. The search giant has signed three Chinese companies to its new reseller program, which will have them provide sales and...

Top-Rung Turnover at Nokia

There is some noise coming out of Nokia today, as the mobile communications company announced a shift in its top-level management. The resignation of President Pekka Ala-Pietila has prompted the Nokia board of directors...

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