20 articles written

Steven Crook


Taiwan Aims for E-Government

Taiwan's government is endeavoring to make full use of...

Taipei Authorities Offer Free Internet Training

Beginning this month, the Taipei City Government is offering every...

United Daily News to Launch Money, Recruitment Sites

The United Daily News Group, Taiwan's largest Chinese-language publishing group, today...


Taipei, E-Community, Sign Sister-City Pact

[TAIPEI] Taipei Mayor Ma Ying-jeou and Education Minister Tseng ...

Taiwan Survey: WAP Considered Expensive, Slow

According to a new survey by Tamkang University's Department of Mass Communications, the three million Taiwanese people who use WAP facilities on their cellular phones are dissatisfied with the cost, speed and range of services available. Some 86.5 percent...

United Daily News to Launch Money, Recruitment Sites

The United Daily News Group, Taiwan's largest Chinese-language publishing group, today spun off its 24-hour Internet news service, udnnews.com, into an independent company, udn.com. udn.com, which has an initial capitalization of NT$150 (US$4.9 million), is set to launch a...

Taipei Cyber-Gurus to Standardize E-Biz

The International CALS/APLS Congress meeting in Taipei this week has focused on establishing standard e-business processes with an eye on reducing costs. CALS stands for "Computer Aided Logistics Support" while APLS represents "Advanced Procurement and Logistics Support." Congress chairman...

Six New Investors for Yam Digital

Yam Digital Technology this week welcomed six new investors on the fifth anniversary of the launch of its Chinese-language search engine. The investor list is comprised of Bertelsmann AG, Microsoft Taiwan, Acer, I-Mei Foods Corp., Eslite Bookstores, and Field Force. Hans-Jorg...

Taipei Authorities Offer Free Internet Training

Beginning this month, the Taipei City Government is offering every city resident three hours of free Internet training. The training is part of Mayor Ma Ying-jeou's "Easy City" project, which aims to bring low-cost broadband access to every...

Acer, GE Announce E-Com Joint Venture

Acer Digital Services Corp., the Internet unit of Acer Group, Taiwan's biggest computer maker, and GE Information Services Inc. (GEIS), the electronic commerce unit of General Electric, announced a $14 million business-to-business e-commerce joint venture. The new...

Microsoft Involved in Taiwan Online Music Gig

Fashion Music Station (FMS), operator of a popular Chinese-language music Web site, has announced a joint venture with Chunghwa Telecom and Microsoft to sell music over the Internet. FMS will select the music to be made available...

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