As major telcos and Wi-Fi equipment makers begin to collaborate on massive launches of Wi-Fi hotspots around the United States, small, independent hotspot providers can't help but wonder if they will be able to...
Version Number: 1.5
The recent increase in sophistication of equipment, training, systems and processes
afforded wireless Internet service providers (WISP) an enhanced ability to deliver
quality service. Industry growth bears this...
Version: 4.1.9
Wireless providers are implementing citywide outdoor wireless networks with
great intensity. This increasing tempo coupled with a soft economy places powerful
demands on wireless Internet service providers (WISPs) to...
Are you thinking about putting up your first hotspot? If so, you're probably
working hard to learn the basics of the business and technology. You're reading,
talking to vendors and...
Model Number PN-CPP202
Setting up hotspots is the foremost topic of interest in
80211-based wireless networking today, and the amount of activity in this space
is impressive. However, the public still knows little about the phenomenon, and
Fixed wireless hotspots are a sizzling topic. Even the mainstream press has
caught the buzz. It seems as if everyone from existing fixed wireless ISPs (WISPs)
to PCS carriers to...