AMD says Me Too to MeeGo


From the ‘Intel-who?‘ files:

Back in February, Intel and Nokia merged their respective mobile Linux effort into the new MeeGo project.
Ever since then, whenever I’ve heard MeeGo spokespersons talk about the project, they’ve stressed that it’s not an Intel and Nokia-only effort.

To be honest, I wasn’t entirely sure that was entirely accurate for many months – after all MeeGo to my naked eyes. looked like tech that would only run on Intel and Nokia gear.

Today, Intel rival AMD announced that they would be joining the MeeGo project, now run under the auspices of the Linux Foundation. Yeaah, it feels like a – Me Too – effort to me. Why is AMD joining MeeGo (essentially the evolution of Intel’s Moblin) now?

I think part of it has to do with the Linux Foundation and the fact that AMD is a member (as is Intel). The Linux Foundation does an excellent job of providing a vendor neutral space for projects to evolve and grow.

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