Can a smartphone succeed if it is molded in the flip form factor? After dramatic failures such as the Motorola Backflip and the Nokia N76, it seems a fair question.
But Research In Motion is giving it a try, announcing with Sprint the forthcoming Style 9670 device, set to make its debut on Halloween, selling for $99 after the rebate. Running on the BlackBerry 6 operating system, the handset boasts a litany of features, including a trackpad for moving among menus, and a preloaded Social Feeds application. Enterprise Mobile Toady has the details on the new BlackBerry Style 9670.
Sprint and Research In Motion today announced the BlackBerry Style 9670 smartphone, a flip-style smartphone that will be Sprint’s first with the BlackBerry 6 mobile operating system, will be available on Oct. 31.
Hoping to succeed where other flip smartphones, most notably the Motorola Backflip and Nokia N76 have failed, the Style 9670 features a full QWERTY keyboard, built-in Wi-Fi and GPS and a 512MB of RAM and a Qualcomm 7500 series processor