Wave might not have panned out for Google, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the line for what was born as an ambitious reimagining of online collaboration.
But Novell is trying to keep the technology going, and happily announced this week that the Apache Software Foundation has accepted Wave as an incubator project. With that support, Novell, which still collaborates closely with Google on Wave, expects to see code contributions rise and adoption to increase. Developer.com has the story on what’s next for Wave at Apache.
Open source saves technology — just ask users of the technology formerly known as Google Wave.
Wave is now set to get a second life, under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation. Back in August, Google killed its Wave project, which had been in operation since May 2009. With Google Wave and its associated Wave Federation Protocol (WFP), the promise initially was all about creating a new way to help enable collaboration.