Apple is scheduled to preview an update to the iPhone operating system Tuesday. A media invitation sent to was typically short on details, but did say attendees can expect a sneak peak at features in the upcoming iPhone 3.0 software and the related software development kit.
iPhone developer consultant Raven Zachary said he expects Apple to show some surprising new features and functionality. “Apple can still bring a tremendous amount of innovation to the iPhone platform,” he told
At the top of his own wish list is that Apple (QUOTE: AAPL) provide a better way to organize and access applications. The iPhone App Store has been a runaway hit, offering over 25,000 applications. But the iPhone’s small display can make it difficult to finger through dozens of apps that power users like Zachary turn to on a regular basis.
“There are some clever ways Apple could perfect navigation from the home screen,” Zachary said.
Also on his wish list: multitasking or background processing. Zachary acknowledges Apple is probably right to limit certain activities on the device that can drain battery too quickly.
“But I’d like the option to choose specific apps for background processing when I want to,” he said.
Another possibility is that Apple will offer a better referral system for applications beyond what are the top downloads. “It’d be nice to be able to see recommendations like Apple does is in the iTunes store,” Zachary said.
WWDC news?
Developers may also finally be clued in as to when the next Apple Worldwide Developers’ Conference (WWDC) is. Last year it was in June, but Apple has not yet specified a date. Apple CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs is on medical leave from on-site work at the company and said he plans to return in June.
Pundits and others have speculated Apple will use WWDC to launch a new version of the iPhone that will take full advantage of the 3.0 OS.