ArborText announced the availability of ACL Designer, a powerful tool for building customized graphical user interfaces on top of the ADEPT Series, ArborText’s SGML/XML editing and publishing software.
ACL Designer allows application developers to simplify and automate ADEPT
for the creation, management, and delivery of documents based on Standard
Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and the newly emerging Extensible Markup
Language (XML).
ACL Designer is a GUI design tool that helps developers create forms,
dialog boxes, and toolbars for ADEPT-Editor. Widgets created in ACL
Designer can be customized through ACL Designer’s own “drag-and-drop” GUI.
Those who prefer Java can create widgets with JavaBeans and incorporate
them into ACL Designer.
“Structured markup languages like SGML and XML can be the key to efficient
and effective document systems for complex, compound information,” said
Mary Laplante, director in the Document Software Strategies Group at CAP
Ventures Inc., the strategic consulting and research firm that tracks
document technologies markets.
ACL Designer runs on Windows, OS/2, and leading UNIX platforms. The product is priced at $3495 for all platforms. ADEPT Command Language is built into every copy of ADEPT-Editor and ADEPT-Publisher and is immediately available.
Starting price for the ADEPT Series is $1350 for a single-user license of ADEPT-Editor running on Windows or OS/2.