Big Changes Ahead for Red Hat

Massive changes are coming to a red fedora near you, LinuxPlanet reported.

For a number of reasons, Red Hat Linux is now moving to a more open development model with less focus on boxed sets and more focus on community involvement. The announcement, which was partially leaked this weekend, was made official Monday morning by an announcement from Red Hat’s Bill Nottingham.

The announcement details some big moves for the way Red Hat Linux is developed but cuts short on confirming speculation raised over the past weekend that Red Hat plans to drop its retail line of shrinkwrapped, boxed software.

The announcement, though, does mean no more closed beta teams for the regular Red Hat releases. It also gives Red Hat the flexibility to apply last-minute updates to a new release rather than deny feature requests because it takes a month for CDs and boxes to go through the production process.

The preceding report is a news digest from sister site, LinuxPlanet. The full-version of the story can be found here.

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