The Web Standards
Project, an international coalition of Web developers, this week
celebrated Netscape’s agreement to include the NGLayout rendering engine
software in the next release of its Web browser.
Netscape officials told The Web Standards Project that “due in no small
part to pressure from Web developers, Navigator 5.0 will include the
company’s new NGLayout rendering engine.” The NGLayout is the part of a Web
browser that determines how Web pages will look and function. The WSP has
been working on the project for the last month with a petition drive.
The drive was launched in September, when WSP launched a public campaign
urging Netscape to include NGLayout, which is currently under development,
after Netscape indicated that it would not be included in Navigator 5.0.
Through the work of thousands of Web designers and users who signed The Web
Standards Project’s “I Want My NGLayout!” petition, Netscape realized that
developers feel strongly about standards as a means of creating Web sites
that work.
Glenn Davis, WSP co-founder and CTO of Project Cool, Inc., stated “While WSP
would like to be able to claim full credit for this victory, it could not
have happened without the combined efforts of the NGLayout development team
and the support of the Web development community.”
According to officials at Netscape, NGLayout will be 100 percent compliant
with the
Document Object Model (DOM) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) level 1; it
will also support features of the CSS level 2 standard.
For additional information about NGLayout and Netscape’s plans, visit the
Mozilla Roadmap.