Clickey this week launched its new search engine, designed to bring end users and business owners together by only returning sites which use top-level domain names.
Clickey’s domain search function is the first of several user-friendly
tools to list only those sites with the requested search word in the domain
name. Users can search by domain or keyword, with or without specifying a
geographic location. Since Clickey lists only one URL per site, and limits
results to active sites, Clickey eliminates thousands of irrelevant Web
pages from the search results.
Unlike typical search engines, Clickey seeks to list only those sites that
are relevant to the search. The domain name search brings equity to the
search process by using an algorithm that rotates the order of Web site
listings to ensure maximum exposure for each site, while providing
end-users with a wider selection of content–each search will bring
different results.
Clickey has a free affiliate program for site owners which provides
increased visibility to their Web site. When an end-user visits Clickey
through a link from an affiliate’s site, a logo from that affiliate is
displayed at the top of Clickey’s search result pages. Their logo provides
a link back to the affiliate’s home page, and will show up each time the
end-user visits Clickey, regardless of how they get there after the initial