DataChannel Demos XML Server Technology

this week demonstrated how DataChannel RIO and its advanced XML/Java
technology can be integrated with Microsoft Office 2000 at David Coursey’s
Showcase 99.

This is a great indication of how support for open Web standards such as
XML, WebDAV and Java can be utilized to move “mission critical”
applications to the Web.

The integration of DataChannel RIO with Office 2000 provides users with:

  • the ability to use the data in Office 2000 documents for many
    different business purposes
  • the ability to organize Office 2000
    documents by subject, content and other attributes
  • secure access to
    Office 2000 documents by using Web-based security standards, such as SSL
    and X.509 certificates
  • the ability to store Office 2000 documents on
    other platforms, including Unix, Netscape and Apache

DataChannel RIO is essentially a “two-way corporate portal infrastructure”
that functions as a starting point into a company’s intranet/extranet.

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