Wednesday rolled out its next-generation 3-D authoring technology for Linux.
Previously available only for Windows users, the Hypercosm Studio includes
an object oriented modeling, animation and rendering compiler.
Rich media applets in the Hypercosm format are smaller, compiled
OMAR programs that run identically in Web browsers under Linux, Microsoft’s Windows and Apple’s
Hypercosm 3D applets store geometric information and coded instructions that
power interaction by the end user. Because Hypercosm employs a modern
general purpose programming language, Hypercosm Studio users can create
sophisticated animation and simulation applications.
Hypercosm CEO Abe Megahed said he thought the studio’s programmable nature
and its no-cost availability to graphics developers would make the deal
attractive for users.
“Many of them are college students with tremendous creative talent but
limited resources for purchasing software applications,” Megahed said. “We
hope to tap into the incredible creative energy of academic Linux users, and
grow with them as they take their Hypercosm 3D skills into the workforce.”
Free Linux-compatible Hypercosm
Studio and Player downloads are available