In a move aimed at simplifying the syndication of its daily top stories, has added an RSS feed that shuttles links to newsreaders
RSS, or Rich Site Summary
the 1990s, allows newsreaders and aggregators to scrape links and article
summaries for syndication. With the feed, users
can easily access headlines of IT news without having to surf directly to
the Web page.
The technology, which is very popular in the ‘blogosphere’
used primarily to syndicate news content but many companies have turned to
RSS to update events listings, project updates and corporate announcements.
(Here is a description of the many uses of RSS feeds).
Popular newsreaders used to access RSS feeds include Feedreader and NewzCrawler (Windows); AmphetaDesk and Radio Userland (multi-platform) or NetNewsWire (Mac).
On the enterprise side, RSS feeds can be access through content-focused
software like IBM’s WebSphere or the open-source Jetspeed.