These days, it seems like the open source Linux operating system is just about everywhere. Consumer devices running the gamut from smartphones and e-readers to TVs are running Linux, so maybe it’s time for two of the primary organizations built around the OS to join forces.
The Linux Foundation is in the process of merging with the Consumer Electronics Linux Forum, a group formed in 2003 by giants in the space like Sony, Panasonic and Samsung. Datamation reports on where the merged group sees Linux heading in the embedded and consumer spaces.
Is Linux inside your consumer electronics device?
Linux is increasingly becoming the primary embedded operating system for a myriad of consumer electronics devices, including eBook readers, TVs, mobile phone and media players. To date, one of the primary organizations helping to lead Linux for consumer electronics has been the Consumer Electronics Linux Forum (CELF). CELF is now being merged with the Linux Foundation in an effort to help further integrate and expand the Linux ecosystem.