Macromedia Inc. Tuesday unveiled Director 7.02 which adds support for streaming MP3 and QuickTime 4 video streaming.
In addition, the new version contains support for additional standards and for Macromedia Flash 4.
Director 7 is part of the Director 7 Shockwave Internet Studio, which allows designers to create multimedia for delivery on multiple platforms, including the Internet and CD-ROM.
“The enhancements in Director 7.02 add new dimensions that help our customers continue to deliver Web sites that engage, entertain and educate through the compelling use of sound, animation and interactivity,” said David Mendels, vice president of Macromedia’s Web publishing division.
Registered users of Director 7 and Director 7 Shockwave Internet Studio may download the update for free. Owners of previous versions can upgrade for $499 in the U.S.